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Why We Love Travel Nursing (And You Should, Too!)

October 28, 2014

When you ask just about anybody what they would like to do more of, traveling is often near the top of the list. One of our favorite things about travel nursing is that it’s easy to live this dream every time a new assignment begins. Here are some things we love about travel nursing, which might become your favorite things too, once you give it a try!

Live in New Places: Travel nursing allows you to check out places you have always wanted to visit. You can get a taste of the big city or the rural life, or scope out a city you have heard a lot about and have always wanted to explore. Plus, because you get to actually live there instead of just vacationing, it allows you the time to really get to know each place. 

Work with Amazing Staff: Getting a job in one of the nation’s top hospitals can be very difficult since positions are competitive. However, these hospitals often turn to travel nurses to fill in the gaps when they need more staff for a short time. As a travel nurse, you have the opportunity to work in some of the top hospitals, alongside renowned doctors and top-tier nurses. Being part of a team like that is very exciting and can inspire you in your career.

Discover New Aspects of Nursing: A travel nursing assignment can often expose you to a new type of patient or new processes that you would not have seen at a permanent nursing job. You may even discover a specialty that you absolutely love but would have never tried otherwise. 

Get Top Pay and Benefits: Travel nurses earn more than permanent full-time employees in comparable positions; plus, they get a solid benefits package and free housing near work. This makes it easy for nurses to pay down debt or save up money to meet financial goals. In addition, travel nurses have guaranteed hours, so you won't have to worry about having shifts cut and missing out on income.

Choose the Jobs You Want: If you're looking for flexibility in your work, it doesn't get much better than travel nursing. You can choose what length of assignments you want and you also have the freedom to take off as much time as you want between assignments. Whether you're looking for back-to-back jobs or a chance to go visit family for a month, you can get it with travel nursing. 

Going through the same routines over and over again can get dull, even if you love nursing. Travel nursing allows you to change things up and earn a lot of money. Find out how to become a travel nurse today!

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