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Three Steps to Staying Safe in a New City

December 30, 2016

It’s been a fairly easy process so far. You applied for a travel nurse assignment, you were interviewed, you were offered a job, and you just received your travel and housing details. As you’re packing and preparing for your new adventure, you might start wondering about the city you’ll call home for the next few weeks. Is their public transportation safe? Will you feel comfortable exploring alone?

Your travel nurse experience should be exciting and rewarding, so if you’re nervous about your safety, it’s best to be prepared with simple strategies that will make you feel safe.

Follow these tips to navigate any city with confidence.

Look Local

When you are out sightseeing, try to blend in with the locals as much as possible. Holding a map marks yourself as a target and makes you vulnerable to those interested in taking advantage of you, so plan your route beforehand and add the directions to your phone. Familiarize yourself with the area before you arrive in the city or in your hotel room. Once you step out of your housing, you should have a firm grasp on where you are going and how to get there.

Keep Your Money Close

To best protect your valuables when on a travel nurse assignment, keep them close. Money belts and neck pouches are two ways to keep valuables safe while you are exploring a new city. If you don’t have a secure locker at your hospital, you can store your valuables in the hotel safe. If, while out on the town, you want to set down a purse, wrap the strap around your leg or your chair so you are aware when someone tries to tamper with your belongings.

Take Precautionary Measures

If you are walking to your hotel room, ensure your key is out and ready when you reach the door. If you are not familiar with the area, stay alert and keep an eye out for any suspicious characters. Avoid using your headphones as much as possible to stay aware of the activity around you.

It’s easy to get distracted when you’re discovering new, exciting locations, but remember to place your safety first.

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