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Got Some Downtime? Fun Nurses' Game Apps For Your Smartphone

September 2, 2014

One of the best things about having a smartphone is that I never have to be bored. Any time I have a break, I can just pull out the phone and play a fantastic nursing game. It's such a great way to relax, even if I only have a few minutes to play.

There are many different types of nursing game apps.  Some will put you into simulated medical crisis situations, where you will have to race against the clock to solve problems and avoid obstacles. Others combine learning and education, using enjoyable game techniques to make learning easy and fun.

These are some my favorites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

1. Happy Nurse

This game from Johnson & Johnson is available as an iOS app download, or you can play it online. You create a nurse avatar, then race against the clock while running through a hospital and avoiding obstacles.  The game is part of Johnson & Johnson's Campaign for Nursing's Future.

2. Brain Scan

Want to test yourself on medical trivia?  Mix relaxation and learning. This game was created by a nurse and is available for both Android and iOS. Make the most of your downtime by improving your knowledge a few minutes at a time.

3. Nursing IQ

This trivia game is both fun and educational. It helps new nurses learn key concepts and provides a review or a refresher for more experienced nurses. With 40 levels of play, the game will provide entertainment through many hours of breaks.

4. Infinity Nurses -- Escape from Plague

In this iOS game, you can have the thrill of saving the world!  Race to beat the biggest infection in history.

5. Prognosis: Your Diagnosis

This popular simulation game takes players through medical case studies. Its goal is to make learning fun, and it is available for both Apple devices and Android.

6. Pixel Hospital

The goal in this time-management game is to effectively deploy limited resources of medical personnel and equipment while patients pour into a hospital during a plague.

7. My Clinic

In this game, you're in charge. You are given a small clinic and have to expand it into a large first-class medical facility. Along the way, you will have to hire personnel, buy equipment, conduct research, and take care of patients with bizarre and comical diseases.

8. Diagnose the Disease

Race against the clock to diagnose diseases from the images given in this game from Epocrates. Both speed and accuracy count.

The convenience of these games cannot be overstated. Whenever you have your phone with you, you can start to play a nursing game at a moment's notice. It's an inexpensive, relaxing, and sometimes educational way to use your downtime.

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