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An Eye on Awareness: Men’s Health Month

June 16, 2017

Every year, the nation celebrates Men’s Health Month by focusing on men’s health and well-being. During the month of June, men are encouraged to seek medical advice, make appointments for regular checkups and screenings, and implement a healthy lifestyle. Below are a few tips on how to make the most of Men’s Health Month.

Schedule a Screening

Regular checkups and screenings can improve your health and reduce the risk of disease. For a list of men’s health checkups and screenings, click here.

Fastaff understand the benefits of early screenings and offers a competitive medical, dental, and vision plan for all working travel nurses. Don’t delay; take responsibility for your health and make an appointment today.

Focus on Fitness

Adults require at least 2.5 hours of moderate activity every week. With a busy travel nursing schedule and long shifts, it might be difficult to fit in a regular workout. We recommend using a fitness tracker, such as FitBit, in order to keep track of your efforts throughout the day. Fitness trackers help you keep an eye on your progress and alert you when you should start moving.

If you can’t fit a full workout into your hectic schedule, even a simple 30-minute walk provides many health benefits. According to Harvard Health, walking 30 minutes a day has a direct link to an 18% decrease in your risk of coronary artery disease.

Support Others

Whether you are aiding your patients or taking charge of your own health, it’s important to support the men in your life. If you have questions about your health or someone else’s, reach out to medical professionals and seek help. As a travel nurse, you spend most of your time focused on others and it’s easy to put your own well-being on the backburner. We hope that Men’s Health Month serves as an important reminder that your health should always be a priority in your life.

Visit Men’s Health Month for more resources on how to place a higher priority on your health and how you can help raise awareness.

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