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April’s Travel Nurse of the Month

April 26, 2018

Fastaff nurses are rewarded and recognized for the experience, skills, and dedication they bring to each travel nursing assignment. This nurse is someone who exemplifies the Fastaff values.

Read below to learn more about April’s Nurse of the Month, Vinah Prudence Ware:

Specialty: Operating Room.

Number of years working with Fastaff:

Four years and six assignments.

Why do you love working with Fastaff? 

I love working with Fastaff because of their transparency with rates. Fastaff is upfront and the rates given are reasonable for our profession. They cater for housing which is a big issue when you have a lot of documents to take care of. With Fastaff, I don't have to stress about accommodation - it is taken care of.

What do you love about nursing?

I love to help or meet needs of people who are sick. They are so appreciative of the help I give as a nurse. Sometimes a smile is worth a billion to a sick patient.

What makes travel nursing rewarding for you?

Travel nursing is rewarding to me in so many ways. I have a chance of seeing different methods other facilities use to care for patients. I am also enriching my skills and knowledge that I gain from working at different facilities. I am also able to get a break in between assignments, whereas if I was fulltime, I would have to wait for my turn for vacation time. I love that I’m able to take short assignments like Rapid Response®.

Tell me about a time where you felt more valuable/respected because of the experience and knowledge you gained from your Fastaff assignment.

Recently, I had a young boy come into the hospital for surgery. I told him to make a sign of blinking lights and wave to whoever we meet and pass by as we head to the Operating Room on the stretcher. He felt so free and felt like a celebrity. The staff thought it was so innovative and he became so relaxed and his anxiety was alleviated.

What has been your most challenging Fastaff assignment and how did you feel that impacted your worth as a nurse afterwards?

The most challenging assignment was when I had to circulate for organ harvest surgery from a donor that came to Operating Room. It was a bittersweet occurrence - you feel happy for the recipient but sad for the family of a donor.

Describe the most miraculous or impressive thing you’ve witnessed or been a part of during your time as a nurse with Fastaff.

The most miraculous thing that happened some time ago: I helped a patient who came for surgery and chemotherapy. I let her know she serves God and that He has healing in His wings. When we got into the Operating Room, the surgeon couldn't believe his eyes. He was so excited for the patient because the cancer wasn't there anymore. I knew within my heart - mission accomplished.

How have you accomplished some of your personal and professional goals by traveling with Fastaff?

Freedom accomplished through traveling is so great. I get to make my own schedule of work and have financial freedom galore. I've taken vacations I never thought I would be able to afford, even ones overseas to Thailand and Caribbean cruises. I have to discipline myself with this freedom, though. I have family time often because I can have my spouse join me on the last weeks of my assignments and I also travel where my children or friends are in other states.

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