company | Brands
Processing Fees | Fee |
Application | $100 |
Temp License | $25 |
Background Check | $42 |
Documents Needed | Temp | Perm |
Completed online application | Yes | Yes |
Verification of original state license | No | Yes |
Verification of current active license | Yes | No |
Employment reference | Yes | Yes |
ID State police privacy statement | No | Yes |
Fingerprint card | No | Yes |
Processing Fees | Fee | Renewal License Processing |
Timely | $90 | May renew online 3 months prior to expiration and up to 1 year of expiration. |
Late | $35 | 2 weeks for paper application |
Reinstatement | $125 | Contact the board to request application. Fingerprinting may be required. |
Request fingerprint card and instructions from |