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COVID-19 Resources for Facilities

Fastaff's Resources for the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic brought with it many unknowns, particularly in the healthcare industry. Facility leaders quickly learned that having an emergency nurse staffing strategy in place is vital. And often concurrently, strategies for the re-opening of operating rooms and surgery centers for elective procedures.

Having a steady partner during times of uncertainty is essential. As experts in crisis management, Fastaff is a pioneer and industry leader in Rapid Response travel nursing. Fastaff sends experienced, critical care RNs in ten days or less during emergencies. During the Coronavirus outbreak, the Ebola outbreak in 2014, numerous hurricanes and annual flu spikes, Fastaff has had nurses on the ground in 24-48 hours.

covid first responder

Emergency Preparedness for Healthcare Facilities

Emergency Staffing Plan Checklist

Download checklist

Emergency Preparedness

Preparing for the unknown can be complicated; a hospital’s best defense is creating emergency preparedness protocols for a wide variety of “what if” scenarios, which includes having a plan in place to quickly add experienced nurses to existing hospital staff.

COVID-19 Staffing Planning Webinar

Five Things Hospitals Can Do To Prepare For Flu Season During a Pandemic

Fastaff Executive Interviews on COVID Response

COVID-19 resource center

Q and A with Kathy Kohnke, Fastaff Senior Vice President of Client Services

COVID-19 resource center

Q and A with Karen Fountain, Fastaff Director of Clinical Services

COVID-19 Resource center

Q and A with Fastaff CEO Bart Valdez

Fastaff CEO Perspective from Bart Valdez

Fastaff CEO, Bart Valdez, Discusses Preparing for OR and Surgery Center Productivity