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What Wikipedia Can't Tell You about Travel Nurses

February 10, 2015

Wikipedia will tell you that travel nursing is a wonderful profession to consider because you'll experience culture in different cities, potentially earn a higher income and enjoy a housing stipend in some of the country's most desirable locations.

But there are even more exciting reasons to consider travel nursing that Wikipedia doesn't mention!

Study and Take Action during Epidemics

While being a front-line responder to an epidemic may sound scary to some, many nurses find that travel nursing provides a unique chance to take advantage of their skills with populations that need it most. Nurses who are also pursuing epidemiological research may find travel nursing the perfect ongoing opportunity to enrich this side of their work. 

Build Your Self-Confidence

If you like new people and challenges then getting to know an entirely new set of faces every several months won't be a problem for you. Be sure you're ready to think flexibly and jump feet first into a likely similar, but different system with each assignment. Every hospital runs its ship to their own set of rules, so allow yourself extra time to get to know the new people you're working with to get the hang of things. 

Become a Part of a Community While Traveling

There's no reason to feel alienated in your new city. Whether you choose a small quaint city or large metropolis, you can fully immerse yourself in the greater community. Many hospitals offer extension activities by holding blood drives, annual walks and community awareness events that offer you a unique perspective on how people thrive in different areas. In addition, Fastaff Travel nurses often form a “Fastaff Family.” You can rely on your Fastaff colleagues to introduce you to new areas, charities and events nearby! By observing how nursing and city planners come together, community events are insightful opportunities for career evolvement.

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