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Blog & News/Statement from U.S. Nursing and Fastaff CEO Bart Valdez

Statement from U.S. Nursing and Fastaff CEO Bart Valdez

June 4, 2020

There is no room for injustice, inequality or intolerance in our company, in our communities or in our country.  As we all struggle to make sense of the current events happening in our country, I am inspired by the commitment of our U.S. Nursing and Fastaff nurses, a diverse community of healthcare heroes, as an anchor for how we can make a positive and unified impact in our communities.  Our core values require us to have a collective sense of urgency to respond to any crisis, teamwork that brings out the best in everyone, integrity to ensure transparency, and respect and compassion for each other and those we serve.

Everything we do as a company will continue to be in the service of our dedicated and fearless U.S. Nursing and Fastaff healthcare professionals, and I feel especially grateful for the care they are providing in America right now, knowing that their desire to heal comes before their own safety and comfort.  Those who raise their hands and report to duty at crisis hotspots, including COVID and cities in turmoil across the nation, do so in order to use their skills and talents in the service of quality patient care. We are in awe of you and we thank you.  As we all wish for a peaceful and more unified future, your health and safety are foremost in our thoughts. We want our healthcare professionals, and in particular our colleagues of color to know that we see you, we hear you, and we are with you.

We will continue to hold dear to these core values every day and in every challenge we face in our local community or as a nation, and will continue to do everything we can to serve these fearless healthcare heroes, as they inspire us all. 

Bart Valdez, CEO of  U.S. Nursing and Fastaff Travel Nursing

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