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Blog & News/Quality vs. Quantity: Exploring the Value of Fastaff's Higher Rates

Quality vs. Quantity: Exploring the Value of Fastaff's Higher Rates

August 18, 2023

Fastaff Travel Nursing is a well-known travel nursing agency that has been providing highly qualified nurses to healthcare facilities for more than 30 years. One of the questions that people often ask about Fastaff is why their travel nurse rates are higher than traditional travel nurse rates. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind this.

Traditional nurse rates are typically based on a standard hourly rate, which can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and demand. Nurses who take traditional travel assignments usually commit to a 13-week contract and are compensated for every hour they work, with benefits such as housing stipends, travel reimbursement, and health insurance.

Fastaff Rapid Response® rates, on the other hand, are higher rates offered to travel nurses who can quickly start an assignment in response to a critical need, such as a sudden increase in patient volume or an unexpected staffing shortage due to severe weather, illness, etc. These rates are often significantly higher than traditional travel nurse rates and may include other incentives like travel or housing stipends.

The higher rates for Fastaff Rapid Response assignments reflect the urgency of the situation and the need for nurses who can quickly step in and provide high-quality care. Additionally, because these assignments can be more demanding and require quick mobilization, they often come with additional support and resources, such as travel arrangements and access to a dedicated Fastaff team for assistance throughout the assignment.

One of the key differences between traditional nurse rates and Fastaff Rapid Response rates is the flexibility of the assignments. Traditional travel assignments typically require a 13-week commitment, which can be long commitment for facilities that require shorter assignments to fill their needs. Fastaff Rapid Response assignments, on the other hand, are usually shorter and more flexible, lasting only two or more weeks. This flexibility, along with no cancelation fees when the facility provides a four-shift notice, allows facilities to utilize nurses for only the timeframe that they need.

Another reason why Fastaff travel nurse rates are higher is because they have a rigorous screening and selection process for their nurses. This means that their nurses are highly qualified and have extensive experience in their fields, more than half in a hard-to-fill specialty. This level of quality and experience comes at a premium, which is reflected in the higher pay rates that Fastaff offers.

In conclusion, Fastaff travel nurse rates are higher than traditional travel nurse rates for a number of reasons. Their rapid response program, benefits packages, ongoing education and training opportunities, rigorous screening and selection process and focus on hard-to-fill specialties all contribute to the higher pay rates that they offer. While their rates may be higher, the advantages for healthcare facilities and quality patient care certainly justify the additional cost.

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