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Blog & News/October Nurse of the Month
Fastaff nurses are rewarded and recognized for the experience, skills, and dedication they bring to each travel nursing assignment. This nurse is someone who exemplifies the Fastaff values. Read below to learn more about the October Nurse of the Month, Delorys Hall.
Name: Delorys Hall
Specialty: CNA
Number of assignments: Two
Number of years with Fastaff: Four Months
Why do you love working with Fastaff?
My recruiter Clayton Phelps is awesome! I have had a very exciting adventure with Fastaff so far. Because of Fastaff, I’ve traveled from the North, stopping through different states along the way. I’ve made it all the way to the east coast to Connecticut, which is a long drive but a very good sightseeing journey. I’ve loved every moment traveling to different states.
What has been your most challenging Fastaff assignment (a difficult case, surgery, patient illness, etc.) and how did you feel that impacted your worth as a nurse afterwards?
Working with COVID-19 patients was heart breaking for me but I pulled through it. I will always remember the ones we lost.
How have you accomplished some of your personal and professional goals by traveling with Fastaff (i.e. family life, financial freedom, more personal freedom, etc.)?
I love my job and the Fastaff employees. So far, I have accomplished a lot. I am ahead on my bills and paid my school loan off, which is a big relief. Working with Fastaff has been a great job across the board.