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How to Shorten your Morning Routine & Get There Faster

May 14, 2015

Although the job is rewarding, travel nurses are often asked to work long hours that leaves little “me-time.” In many cases, these hectic schedules lead to a lack of sleep, which causes nurses to feel exhausted and defeated before the day even begins. Fortunately, you can carve out a little extra time for sleep before work by simply shortening your morning routine. Below are some tips to help you get ready faster and free up more time for rest.

1. Pack the night before.

Although it may not be as intense as packing for a trip, packing for work can still take up valuable time in the morning. If you take a bag, briefcase or purse with you on-the-job, pack it up the night before and sit it next to the door so you will be ready to grab it in the morning. Otherwise, you are likely to spend part of the morning scrambling to find the things you need.

2. Lay out your clothes in advance.

As a nurse, your clothing probably consists of scrubs or a uniform. However, having these items laid out the night before will still save you some time the next day.

3. Check the weather report.

Although the weather may not have much of an effect on what you will wear as a nurse, checking the weather the night before work can still be helpful in shortening your morning routine.

For example, if the weather report indicates rain, you can save time by laying out your raincoat and umbrella in advance.

4. Make your lunch before bed.

If you will be bringing a lunch to work the next day, get it ready to go the night before to save time. If the items in your lunch won't last through the night, keep it in the refrigerator until morning.

5. Prepare your coffee pot.

If you drink coffee before you leave in the morning or on your way to work, set up the pot the night before. Many coffee pots even have features that allow you to set a brewing time in advance so that the coffee will be ready when you need it.

6. Simplify breakfast.

Simplify breakfast time by purchasing some quick, nutritious breakfast options, such as protein shakes, breakfast bars and yogurt. To save even more time, consider taking these items with you to eat on your commute, rather than sitting down to breakfast at home.

7. Choose a low maintenance hairstyle.

Both male and female nurses can benefit from choosing a hairstyle that requires minimal maintenance in the morning. The less time you need to spend on your hair before work, the more time you will have for sleep.

8. Modify your makeup application.

Women who wear makeup can speed things up in the morning by applying on the products that are absolutely necessary. You can also shorten the time it takes to apply your makeup by investing in products designed to serve more than one purpose, such as a foundation that also acts as a concealer.

Getting enough sleep is essential for your health and the health of your patients. With an abbreviated morning routine, you can get the rest you need to be at your best.

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