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How to Save Money on Food as a Travel Nurse

March 3, 2016

Anyone who travels for work has to be thoughtful about recurring expenses, and finding ways to save money on food will help keep your budget on track. Done right, you might even find yourself with extra cash to try a new restaurant or experience a local favorite.

After all, working on assignment is as much about discovering different cultures as it is about making top pay. Check out the following ways a travel nurse can save money on food while away from home:

Find Food-Efficient Accommodations

The easiest way to save money on food is to make your own meals. Your food choices are expanded when you have a kitchenette in your room, but a microwave and mini-fridge are great substitutes.

If you are finding your own place using a lodging stipend, you have control over where you stay and can pick a temporary home that comes with a stove and oven.

Strategize Your Shopping

Explore the neighborhood before you start your work assignment. Learn where the grocery stores and farmers markets are.

The more you know about where you will live, the more you can save. If you wait until you get to town, you will find yourself scrambling for shopping venues and maybe settling for the most expensive options.

Once you get settled, ask colleagues where to find the best food deals. Is there a farmers market in the area or a shopping club with a monthly membership? Ask your neighbors how they save, too. The locals will know the most budget-friendly places to get food in town.

Become a Super Couponer

You don’t have to be a coupon fanatic to save a few dollars here and there. The store website is a good place to start. Look at weekly ads to see what is on sale and plan your meals that way. Check to see if they offer online coupons or a discount program, too. Next, explore some of the online deal sites like Groupon to see what they offer in the area.

What If You Can’t Cook on the Road?

If there is no way to get kitchen accommodations, plan ahead. Sites like Amazon Pantry can deliver easy-to-store foods right to your room.

Experiment with portable foods, and easy-to-make options to find your favorite recipes.

Skip Pricey Coffee

Let’s face it, nurses need some extra caffeine in their life, but skipping your daily mocha can help you save big bucks. Start categorizing this treat as a food expense so you can keep better track of it.

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