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Blog & News/Fastaff Travel Nursing Featured in Arkansas Business Journal

Fastaff Travel Nursing Featured in Arkansas Business Journal

December 16, 2020

As COVID-19 cases are soaring across the country, nurses are feeling tired, stressed, and burnt out. Unfortunately, the high demand for nurses is expected to last at least through the first two quarters of next year as the vaccine is distributed.

States and hospitals are doing everything they can to get these valued nurses on the front lines of the pandemic. For example, the governor of Arkansas granting temporary permits to nursing school graduates or experienced nurses, allowing them to work immediately and not wait on documents needed for full licensure. Hospitals are increasing hourly pay to new highs, hoping to interest these worn out but dedicated healthcare professionals.

Fastaff Senior Vice President of Client Services, Kathy Kohnke, describes the large increase in requests throughout the coronavirus pandemic. In year-over-year analysis, some states have seen over a 1,000% increase in travel staffing needs compared to 2019.

The full article is available for Arkansas Business Journal print subscribers

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